Share Buyback Program initiated with the resolution of the Board of Directors dated April 10, 2023, will terminate as of the date of the General Assembly, pursuant to the Capital Markets Board`s Principle Decision No. 41/1198 dated 01.08.2024. Hence, it is resolved to submit the attached |||Share Buyback Program||| to the approval of the General Assembly at the 2024 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to authorize the Board of Directors to execute share buybacks.
The maximum nominal amount of shares subject to buyback is set at 16,300,000 TL, and the total fund allocated for the buyback is determined as 640,000,000 TL within the scope of the Share Buyback Program, which has been determined to end by April 10, 2026.
The Material Event Disclosure has been prepared in Turkish and English and in case of any contradiction between the two texts, the Turkish disclosure shall prevail.